Decree Expelling the Negroes and Shemites from the Lands of Japheth (the Romans)

Boniface X, Servant of the Servants of God,

As was taught by Our Predecessor Pius IX, the negroes carry a special curse from God upon their hearts, given to them by Noah, which prevents them from seeing the value of the gospel and finding salvation. He decreed this in his great book of indulgences, where a special prayer had to be offered due to the extra curse. While the Apostolic See and the Catholic Church have labored unceasingly to convert these darker nations to the true gospel, they always fall into some heresy or other, or they divert into schism, or find their way into another pattern of wickedness and heathenism. By the grace of God, a remnant of these people can still be saved, and some qualified ones are also able to become priests and leaders of the gospel, if they cooperate with His grace and do not seek to do their own will in the place of His will. But these exceptions in world history have proved to be rare, confirming the prophecy of God given to Noah in the book of Genesis. Some have claimed that this is an intrinsic genetic issue, or that they are subhuman, but it is rather a curse from their forefather Noah who was a special prophet of God, for doing what was wicked.

Further, they are often instigated by the perfidious Jews to spread their damnation, often in the form of music or other wicked motion pictures, songs, rhythms, and trinkets to lead the foolish and ignorant astray. A recent range of motion pictures broadcast throughout the world has also sought to replace Our Lord Jesus Christ with foolish and false heroes of a pagan sort, a kind of modern apostate replacement of Catholic heritage. These wicked pictures have even promoted the use of witchcraft and other abominations among the youth.

WHEREFORE, armed with the Keys of Saint Peter, We call upon every ruler of the earth to EXPEL from lands that have been in the hands of the White Race (the sons of Japheth and the Romans) for at least 200 years all negroes and other non-Whites, and return them to their ancestral lands of Africa and Asia as applicable. The perfidious Jews may be sent to Palestine for now, but if they cause a disturbance should be placed under watchful Catholic lords of the realm. Those among the descendants of Shem or Ham who accepted grace and converted to the Catholic Faith are to spread the gospel back in their original homelands. Provided that the lands of the White races, the descendants of the Romans or those who pursuant to the Great Commission spread into North and South America, are not suffering economically, they may also spread economic assistance abroad to those who in Africa or Asia become in need of basic necessities. But for now, We especially look to the protection of Europe (the original borders that demarcated the Roman Empire) in this matter, since from the beginning of the Great Apostasy in 1958 and the rise of the wicked Antipopes, workers of perdition, they have constantly promoted the overrunning of that continent and its ancient Catholic heritage with wicked hordes. Indeed, this is what Satan has always been attempting to do for centuries, since the rise of that wicked false prophet Mohomet, the faithless scourge and punishment of God to test His true people.

In implementing this decree, those who engaged in mixing, and adjudged by their secular rulers to be at least 49% of Shem or Ham, will be returned to their lands. Those who descend from the Aztecs, Incas, or similar tribes in the Americas and who were there before the Europeans arrived may remain in their original locations on the North American continent.

ALL RULERS, KINGS, POTENTATES, AND OTHER SECULAR MINISTERS in Europe and the Americas who refuse to obey this decree if they are able, are EXCOMMUNICATED AND DEPOSED from their positions.

Boniface X,
DECREED this 20th day of June, 2022.